Soul Family

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Journey of the Soul

Are you Ready?

Begin your quantum hypnosis journey with one of our highly experienced and qualified Team Members and find the relief, clarity, life purpose, ease and abundance you’ve been searching for.

Some people might better understand the term “Past Life Regression”, and that is exactly how Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique started, with exploration of Past Lives. Candace Craw-Goldman’s Beyond Quantum Healing Technique expands these healing realms to include an organic, individually-driven healing platform.  Today, with the expansion of human consciousness and technology, more than just in-person sessions with Past Lives are available to experience.  All over the world people can experience Future Lives, Parallel Lives, Lives on Other Planets, Lives in Other Dimensions. Some people visit the Spirit Side. Some people find themselves in the Akashic Records and still others visit the Temple of Healing. The Quantum Healing technique accesses the person’s Higher Self to receive answers and relief from emotional and physical problems. We focus on the concept that the client will go to “the most appropriate time and place” to address any requests for healing or information. Lives are changed in a day if we allow them to be.

Past Life Regression Hynptherapy

During this hypnotic technique your Higher Self will guide you to a lifetime that is the most beneficial for you to experience at this time. After we journey through the life, we will speak to your Higher Self directly and gain insights into your past, present and future. The clients compile a list of questions beforehand for their Higher Self to answer. The clarity gained after these sessions is priceless. We are able to connect remotely from anywhere in the world to achieve this relief, clarity and guidance via hypnosis. All you will need is a strong internet connection, headphones with a microphone attached and a computer or phone. I can’t wait to meet you!

$550 for 4 hours

Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy

Need a tune-up as one of my returning clients? Sometimes after our first Hypnosis session – once a little time has passed – we’re ready to ask more questions and become re-aligned with our Higher Self. Reconnect for a tune-up and we’ll get you ready to live optimally and consciously.

$450 for 3 hours

Frequently Asked Questions

What to Expect for YOUR Reiki Healing Session

At the checkout, when you purchase your Reiki Healing Session, you will be asked to fill out a simple form which will provide valuable information about your identified issues such as an emotional blockage or a physical ailment. The more context you can offer, the more we can provide you with a richer and more profound healing experience. 


In your distance Reiki Healing Session, we connect energetically to you and then act as a channel for your healing. Often times while we are energetically working on you, we can sometimes clear traumas and blockages from this life as well as past lives, and we may receive messages from your spirit guides, or passed loved ones. A fter the Reiki energy work is completed, we will send you a voice recording to the email that you provided outlining what we worked on, any messages, and any action steps to help you continue the work we began in the session.


Please allow for 1 – 5 days after purchasing for your session to be done and uploaded.

If you think you have not received your voice recording in the allotted timeframe then please check your spam folder.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to on

What to Expect for Your PET's Reiki Healing Session

At the checkout, when you purchase your pet’s Reiki Healing Session, you will be asked to fill out a simple form which will provide valuable information about your pets’ identified issues such as an emotional blockage or a physical ailment. The more context you can offer, the more we can provide your pet with a richer and more profound healing experience.


In your pet’s distance Reiki Healing Session, we connect energetically to your pet and then act as a channel for your pet’s healingOften times while we are energetically working on your pet, we will be resolving any energy blocks that may need clearing. After the Reiki energy work is completed, we will send you a voice recording to the email that you provided outlining what we worked on, any messages, and any action steps to help you continue the work we began in the session.


Please allow for 1 – 5 days after purchasing for your session to be done and uploaded.

If you think you have not received your voice recording in the allotted timeframe then please check your spam folder.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to on

Does Distance Reiki Healing Work?

Absolutely. Energy transcends both space and time, so as we connect to you energetically it is like we are there with you giving you this session in the now moment.


Just as your cell phone, TV, or internet all use energetic frequencies, tuned in a particular manner to work effectively, so does the energy transferred from the practitioner to the client during a distance Reiki Healing Session.


Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. The Unified Field Theory, of Quantum Physics as well as Philosophical Principle, Hermetic Law of Similarity, both explain what ancient spiritual eastern teachings refer to as PranaAkasha, or Qi/Chi. Simply put, there is a unified energetic field that connects us all. 

How to get the most out of your Healing Session

Before and after your scheduled healing session we highly recommend that you drink a glass or two of (filtered) water. This will help with the integration, clearing and the anchoring of the Reiki healing energy.


We recommend (but this is optional) that you rest comfortably during your scheduled appointment. This way your body is more in a state of allowance and receptivity of this very healing energy.

Reiki Energy Healing does not replace medical, legal, financial, or therapeutic advice. Soul Family Connections is not responsible for decisions made by the customer after the Reiki Healing Session.