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Clairvoyant Readings

About Pre-Recorded Readings

All readings combine tarot, clairvoyance and channeled guidance tailored for you. The length of time will depend on the reading that you have chosen.

These readings are to provide clarity where you’re feeling stuck, blocked or simply needing some guidance. They also offer intuitive guidance, for balance, health, peace of mind, well-being or whatever your concerns maybe, in a safe and non-judgmental space.

Choose from the options below that best suits you, submit your question or questions or concerns (and context around them), your name, date of birth and a selfie or photo (optional but it does help us to connect to you and provide a more quality reading). Note if you have nothing specific, we will just be channeling the message(s) spirit brings through/feels are most important for you at this time. You can also email your questions and details if they do not all fit into the notes section to

After purchasing a reading, you will receive a private pre-recorded video sent to the email address you provided during checkout, where you can watch your reading at your leisure. 

Please allow for 1-10 days after purchasing for your reading to be done and uploaded.

If you think you have not received your reading in the allotted timeframe then please check your spam folder.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to

We’re looking forward to working with you!

Legal disclaimer: Tarot is for entertainment purposes only and does not replace medical, legal, financial, or therapeutic counseling. Soul Family Connections is not responsible for decisions made by the customer after the reading.

Pre-Recorded Readings Options

Please choose your pre-recorded reading from the options below.

One Question Reading

Our one question pre-recorded reading gives you a permanent record of your clairvoyant reading which you can keep and read as many times as you like. There is no time limit, every reading is unique to the individual receiving it and can range anywhere from 10-15 minutes, on average.

$50 AUD

Three Question Reading

Our three-question pre-recorded reading gives you the answers to three questions or areas of concern and is more in-depth than the one question reading. This reading is a great option if you want to gain insight into several different aspects of your life or really drill down into the various aspects of one issue. There is no time limit; each reading is personalized for the individual receiving it and can last, on average, between 25 and 35 minutes.

$80 AUD

Five Question Reading

If you have a lot on your mind, have many questions that you need guidance with, or perhaps you just really want to get the full insight into a single major issue whether that be love, career, money, family or anything that is a concern to you; a five-question pre-recorded reading is our most comprehensive reading, giving insight and guidance on five areas of concern. There is no time limit; each reading is personalized for the individual receiving it and can last, on average, between 45 and 60 minutes. $149 AUD

Past Life Reading

This reading is perfect for you if you are a firm believer in reincarnation and past lives and want to come with us on a journey into one of yours and come away with how this past life relates to the lessons you need to be learning right now. There is no time limit; each reading is personalized for the individual receiving it and can last, on average, between 45 and 60 minutes. $149 AUD

Self-Care Chakra Check Up Reading

This reading is perfect for you if you’ve been feeling low-energy, facing a lot of challenges lately or if you are simply feeling called to nurture yourself in a more conscious way.
There is no time limit; each reading is personalized for the individual receiving it and can last, on average, between 45 and 60 minutes.
$149 AUD

Manifestation Reading

Would you like to create more abundance in your life? This reading provides you with some insights and clarity around your abundance blocks and how you can move forward in your life, so that you can create the life that you desire. There is no time limit; each reading is personalized for the individual receiving it and can last, on average, between 45 and 60 minutes.

$149 AUD

The Year Ahead Reading

The Year Ahead reading is a classic 12-card, one month per card, reading for getting a forecast for your year ahead and the dominant energy, gift, or challenge of each month in the upcoming year. You can book the year ahead for your life in general which will leave the interpretation open for everything, or you can zoom in on a specific area of your life such as your work or your long-term relationship/marriage. If you’d like to look at a particular area, please enter that in the question/context field, otherwise just put ‘general’ if you want a standard year-ahead reading! There is no time limit; each reading is personalized for the individual receiving it and can last, on average, between 45 and 60 minutes.

$149 AUD

Love and Relationship Reading

This reading is perfect for you if you want to check in or have guidance around any relationship issues or questions, whether that is a romantic one, a family member or a work colleague. Finding love and holding on to it can be a tricky thing. Whether you are having trouble finding the right partner, want to know whether your current partner is your true love or when a significant event in your love life will take place, a psychic love reading may help you clarify your thoughts. There is no time limit; each reading is personalized for the individual receiving it and can last, on average, between 45 and 60 minutes.

$149 AUD

The Celtic Cross Reading

This reading is perfect for you if you are looking for clarity on any situation – or simply seeking to do a bit of a check-in on what you need to know right now and how to move through whatever life has been throwing at you. The Celtic Cross is perfectly suited to a wide variety of questions and topics. If you’re not sure which spread to book, this is a great one to pick. There is no time limit; each reading is personalized for the individual receiving it and can last, on average, between 45 and 60 minutes.

$149 AUD

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Pre-Recorded Readings as Good as in Person Readings?

While in-person readings might be more interactive, we find that with good clear questions (with context) or information about the areas you would like us to focus on we are able to provide excellent readings.


Although it might seem odd, it is actually sometimes easier to connect and tune in energetically with people to receive clearer messages than in-person readings. With in-person readings, you often get subtle interferences which can be a hindrance.

Requirements for a Pre-Recorded Reading
  • Your name
  • Date of birth (aids in timing and energy alignment)
  • Photo (optional but it does help get a better connection. Please provide a photo showing your face.)
  • Your question(s), concerns and context around these
How do Pre-Recorded Readings work?

We are often asked how our Pre-Recorded Readings work. Much like with distant healing energy, energy transcends space and time. We tune into your energy and with the help of both our spirit guides and yours, together with our clairvoyant abilities we are able to tune into the information that spirit wants you to know at this time.

What does it mean to be Clairvoyant?

Clairvoyance or clear vision is the ability to see messages in the mind from another realm. These messages are normally received while the psychic medium is in a meditative state and often take the form of mental images or symbols and can relate to the past, present and future.