Soul Family

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Upgrading Your Lightbody

What is EDINA?

EDINA energy medicine is aligned with energies from the star Sirius-B called The Ankenash. They are 12th density starbeings who have a deep interest in assisting humanity with ascension. The Ankenash gently assist throughout the healing session and reconnect our 12 strand DNA. 

How is EDINA different than other forms of energy medicine? EDINA works upon the Lightbody directly. The Lightbody includes the mental, emotional, astral and etheric bodies, all of which can be measured by electrical impulses and seen as auras. When you heal, activate and upgrade your Lightbody, it has a flow on effect on every aspect of your energetic bodies giving you a very transformational experience. 

Soul Family fosters a safe and nurturing space for your journey towards well-being. Even if we’re miles apart, EDINA Universal Energy knows no boundaries, and you can experience the power of remote energy healing from the comfort of your own home.  Our online sessions are just as impactful and transformative as any in-person sessions, ensuring that you receive the same energetic healing and support tailored to meet your needs. Book now and choose the length of session that suits your needs.

Every member of the Soul Family Team has been Reiki Masters for over 20 years, as well as being qualified and experienced in other energy modalities, such as working with the EDINA energies. The combination of working with your guides, our intuitive clairvoyant and channeling abilities, gives rise to a powerful EDINA healing experience.

Your EDINA Healing Session

EDINA light/energy is emitted through the palms of your practitioner’s hands, similar to other energy forms such as Reiki. EDINA balances the client’s energies to restore them to a coherent state. 

The HeartMath Institute studies have shown that those who are in a state of coherence – where the heart, brain, and nervous system are aligned and in sync – experience more inner peace, a renewed sense of energy, clear-headedness, and a strong immune system.

It also shows that being in the state of coherence can align us to our more authentic higher self, leading to more synchronicities, harmony and joy.  

Our EDINA Sessions follow the same structure – please read ‘What to Expect in your EDINA Healing Session’ in the Frequently Asked Questions below.

$145 for 1 hour or $80 or 30 minutes.

The Benefits of EDINA Healing

Changes to the Lightbody from working with EDINA affect the physical, emotional and spiritual levels of the individual. While most of us cannot see the Lightbody, we definitely can feel it. When we utilise EDINA, almost everyone can feel the etheric light as it is introduced into various parts of the body.  

People get healthier on all levels, happier, more comfortable and make the necessary changes to live the life they are meant to. The supportive changes and effects from the sessions are cumulative and build upon each other to positively impact the life of the client forever. Feelings of peace, joy, harmony, balance, synchronicity, abundance, and a state of grace are side-effects of working with EDINA, as well as enhanced spiritual growth.

If you would like to experience these benefits in your life, then click on the button below. We look to working with you.

$145 for 1 hour or $80 or 30 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the acronym ENDINA stand for?

EDINA stands for Energy Dynamics for the Integration of Natural Attributes. Since it is an acronym, it is written in all capital letters: EDINA.

What to Expect for YOUR ENDINA Healing Session

At the checkout, when you purchase your EDINA Healing Session, you will be asked to fill out a simple form which will provide valuable information about your identified issues such as an emotional blockage or a physical ailment. The more context you can offer, the more we can provide you with a richer and more profound healing experience. 


In your distance EDINA Healing Session, working with the Ankenash starbeings, we connect with you energetically and then act as a channel for your healing on your Lightbody. Often times while we are energetically working on you, we may receive messages from your spirit guides, or passed loved ones.  After the EDINA energy work is completed, we will send you a voice recording to the email that you provided outlining what we worked on, any messages, and any action steps to help you continue the work we began in the session.


Please allow for 1 – 5 days after purchasing for your session to be done and uploaded.

If you think you have not received your voice recording in the allotted timeframe then please check your spam folder.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to on

How to get the most out of your Healing Session

Before and after your scheduled healing session we highly recommend that you drink a glass or two of (filtered) water. This will help with the integration, clearing and the anchoring of the EDINA healing energy.


We recommend (but this is optional) that you rest comfortably during your scheduled appointment. This way your body is more in a state of allowance and receptivity of this very healing energy.

Does Distance EDINA Healing Work?

Absolutely. Energy transcends both space and time, so as we connect to you energetically it is like we are there with you giving you this session in the now moment.


Just as your cell phone, TV, or internet all use energetic frequencies, tuned in a particular manner to work effectively, so does the energy transferred from the practitioner to the client during a distance EDINA Healing Session.


Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. The Unified Field Theory, of Quantum Physics as well as Philosophical Principle, Hermetic Law of Similarity, both explain what ancient spiritual eastern teachings refer to as PranaAkasha, or Qi/Chi. Simply put, there is a unified energetic field that connects us all. 

Who was the founder of this work?

These beings first came to work with the founder, Lois J. Wetzel, in her healing sessions in about 1998. They began giving her specific techniques to teach in early 2007.

EDINA Energy Healing does not replace medical, legal, financial, or therapeutic advice. Soul Family Connections is not responsible for decisions made by the customer after the EDINA Healing Session.